

E-mail address:xshwang@tsinghua.edu.cn














2011年07月-至今 365足球体育app下载工程力学系,博士生导师;

2011年12月-至今, 365足球体育app下载工程力学系,教授。






2010年09月-2012年08月,北京科技大学新金属材料国家重点实验室 客座研究员;

2012年01月-至今,E-Journal of Chemistry (国际SCI杂志,IF10:0.716) 杂志编委;







1. 江苏省南京市质量技术监督局科学技术进步奖一等奖(2001年度);

2. 365足球外围平台董事长研究训练活动奖(SRT)(二等奖)(2001年度);

3. 365足球外围平台教学工作优秀成果奖(二等奖)(2002年度);

4. 中国机械工程学会理化检验分会40年学术会议优秀论文奖(2002年度);

5. 365足球外围平台第八届实验技术成果奖(三等奖)(2004年度);

6. 365足球外围平台班主任优秀奖(二等奖)(2005年度);

7. 365足球外围平台优秀硕士生论文指导奖(2008年度);

8. 四川省科学技术进步奖(自然科学类)一等奖(排名第二)(2014年度)。


已发表中、英、日科技论文170余篇,其中SCI源刊收录72篇,Ei、ISTP收录30篇。SCI源刊他引540余次(H-Index=16), 总他引1600余次(2003-2016年度),出版专著2本(《材料力学行为试验与分析》第1、第2版,365足球外围平台出版社,2007、2010),译著1本(《泡沫金属设计指南》,冶金工业出版社,2006),编著1本(《先进材料力学行为实验指南》,365足球外围平台出版社,2010),英文专著(《Special Issues on Magnesium Alloys》 Edited by Waldemar A. Monteiro, InTech Org. 2011)中专论1章(Fatigue cracking behaviors and influence factors of cast magnesium alloys,已被下载1500余次(2012年底))。获得专利4项,其中发明专利1项,实用新型3项。主要员工贡献体现在以下几个方面:

1、生物力学与仿生—在科学研究中首次在国际上发现并命名了蜻蜓翅膀纵向茎脉的“三明治”微结构,在此基础上提出了茎脉承受最大弯矩和扭矩下的微结构模型如图1所示。用风动升阻力系数的实验检测和数值模量方法证实了具有皱褶功能的“三明治”微结构比早期报道的空心管结构更符合实际和更能合理解释蜻蜓翅膀的飞行机制,后续工作表明茎脉微结构的差异对振动、翅膀弦向皱褶行为以及受力状态等的定量表征有较大的影响。以典型的蜻蜓翅膀为研究对象并基于SEM观测尺度下的微结构(生物分级结构)与力学行为关联的试验研究思想有助于合理的进行仿生设计。该模型现已受到国内外的广泛关注如Indian Institute of Science航空工程系的Ganguli R教授在最近的Experimental Mechanics 2010; 50(8):1183-1197; 及Rajabi H.教授在 Journal of Bionic Engineering 2011; 8( 2): 165-173等都正面肯定了其发现及价值,国内同济大学航空与工程力学系的学者们也对其结构发现给出了肯定和后续相关研究报道。这一重要的科学发现对设计自适应能力更强及能量消耗最小的微型飞行器(MAVs)具有重要的指导作用;相关成果先后分别发表在Wang (2008) Composites Science and Technology 2008; 68(1): 186-192详见代表论文(著)1,10,Chinese Science Bulletin 2011; 56(16) 1658-1660, Journal of Bionic Engineering 2012; 9:185-191, Chinese Physics B 2012; 21(3): 034501,Journal of Bionic Engineering 2013; 10(1):28-38。同时该论文被评为当年高引用论文之一获得现金奖励。

2、 疲劳与断裂行为—发现了铸造镁铝合金疲劳裂纹萌生机制,定量表征了室温与高温下疲劳裂纹扩展规律和剩余寿命预测公式,促进了后续的铸造镁铝合金的合金结构改造,提高了铸造镁铝合金疲劳强度和高温热裂纹萌生阻力;借助SEM原位实验系统,成功跟踪了超高强度钢中的微夹杂物对疲劳裂纹萌生与初期扩展规律,揭示了除夹杂物几何尺寸对疲劳裂纹产生影响外,夹杂物几何长轴与加载方向夹角对疲劳裂纹萌生诱导的疲劳断裂影响给出了定量表征,改变了一味追求最小夹杂物尺寸的高成本制备工艺,通过旋转滚压工艺方式促使夹杂物有序排列,达到提高超高强度钢的疲劳断裂极限;实验研究了核用石墨材料的疲劳裂纹扩展规律,建立了该材料的疲劳裂纹扩展速率的定量表达式,为第4代核反应堆的石墨材料抗地震的防断裂设计提供了理论依据。


1. Yan-Ling Wang, Xi-Shu Wang*, Sheng-Chuan Wu, Hui-Hui Yang, Zhi-hao Zhang. High-cycle corrosion fatigue behavior and life prediction of 25CrMo steel used into railway axle. Metals 2017, accept (SCI, IF15:1.574, JCR-Q1).

2. Hui-Hui Yang, Yan-Ling Wang, Xi-Shu Wang*, Pan Pan, Da-Wei Jia. The effects of corrosive media on rotating bending fatigue lives of different aluminum alloys. Metals, 2016, 6(7):160. doi: 10.3390/met6070160, (SCI, IF15:1.574, JCR-Q1)

3. Hui-Hui Yang, Yan-Ling Wang, Xi-Shu Wang*, Pan Pan, Da-Wei Jia. Synergistic effect of corrosion environment and stress on the fatigue damage behavior of Al alloys. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2016;39:1309-1316. doi: 10.1111/ffe.12457. (SCI, IF15:1.838, JCR-Q1).

4. Xi-Shu Wang*, Xing-Wu Guo, Y. Nakamura, Hui-Hui Yang, Pan Pan. Evaluation of the critical stress of anodized coating/AZ91D substrate using SEM in-situ technology. J. Zhejiang Univ Sci A, 2016; 17(1): 65-75, doi: 10.1631/jzus.A1500178. (SCI, IF15:0.941, JCR-Q3).

5. Jian-Ping Zuo*, Xi-Shu Wang*, De-Guang Mao, Chun-Lai Wang. T-M coupled effects on cracking behaviors and reliability analysis of double-notched crustal rocks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2016; 158: 106-115. DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.11.001. (SCI, IF15:2.024, JCR-Q1).

6. Xi-Shu Wang*, Xu-Dong Li, Hui-Hui Yang, Norio Kawagoishi, Pan Pan. Environment-induced fatigue cracking behavior of aluminum alloys and modification methods. Corrosion Reviews 2015; 33(3-4):119-137. 10.1515/corrrev-2014-0057. (SCI, IF15:1.450, JCR-Q1).

7. Jian-Ping Zuo*, Xi-Shu Wang*, De-Qiang Ma. SEM in-situ study on effect of the offset-notch on cracking behavior of basalt under three-point loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2014; 131:504-513. (SCI, IF13:1.662).

8. Xi-Shu Wang*, Su Jia, Huai-Hui Ren and Pan Pan. Effects of solder balls and arrays on the failure behavior in Package-on-Package structure. Microelectronics Reliability 2014; 54(3): 633-640. (SCI, IF13:1.214).

9. Huai-Hui Ren*, Xi-Shu Wang. Fatigue damage behavior of a surface-mount electronic package under different cyclic loadings. Chinese Physics B, 2014; 23(4): 044601. (SCI, IF13:1.392).

10. Xi-Shu Wang*, Xing-Wu Guo, Xu-Dong Li, Dong-Yun Ge. Improvement on the fatigue performance of 2024-T4 alloy by synergistic coating technology. Materials 2014; 7: 3533-3546. (SCI, IF13:1.879).

11. Xi-Shu Wang* Huai-Hui Ren, Bi-Sheng Wu, Su Ja, Norio Kawagoishi. Effect of loading types on fatigue crack growth behavior of solder joint in electronic packaging. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2014: 27(3):245-258 (SCI, IF13:0.651).

12. Huai-Hui Ren, Xi-Shu Wang*, Su Jia. Fracture analysis on die attach adhesives for stacked packages based on in-situ testing and cohesive zone model. Microelectronics Reliability, 2013; 53: 1021-1028. (SCI, IF13:1.214)

13. Huai-Hui Ren, Xi-Shu Wang*, Ying-Long Chen, Xu-Dong Li. Effects of dragonfly wing structure on the dynamical performances. Journal of Bionic Engineering 2013; 10(1): 28-38. (SCI, IF11:1.023)

14. Su Jia, Xi-Shu Wang*, Huai Hui Ren. Experimental and theoretical analysis of package (PoP) structure under three points bending loading. Chinese Physics B 2012 ; 21(12) : 126201 (SCI, IF11:1.376)

15. Xi-Shu Wang, Min Zhang, Xi-Ping Song, Su jia, Qiang Chen and N. Kawagoishi. Fatigue failure mode of TiAl alloy with high Nb content at different temperatures. Materials 2012; 5(11): 2280-2291 (SCI, IF11:1. 677)

16. Ying-Long Chen, Xi-Shu Wang*, Huai-Hui Ren, Hang Yin, Su Jia. Hierarchical dragonfly wing: microstructure-biomechanical behavior relations. Journal of Bionic Engineering 2012;9:185-191 (SCI, IF11:1.023)

17. Huai-Hui Ren, Xi-Shu Wang, Ying-Long Chen, Xu-Dong Li. Biomechanical behaviors of dragonfly wing: relationship between configuration and deformation. Chinese Physics B 2012; 21(3): 034501 (SCI, IF11:1.376)

18. Xu-Dong Li, Xi-Shu Wang *, Huai-Hui Ren, Yin-Long Chen, Zhi-Tao Mu. Effect of prior corrosion state on the fatigue small cracking behavior of 6151-T6 aluminum alloy. Corrosion Science 2012; 55: 26-33 (SCI, IF11:3.743)

19. Xi-Shu Wang, Xu-Dong Li, Huai-Hui Ren, Hai-Yan Zhao, Ryosuke Murai. SEM in-situ study on high cycle fatigue of SnPb-solder joint in electronic packaging. Microelectronics Reliability 2011; 51: 1377-1384(SCI, IF11:1.066)

20. Ying-Long Chen, Xi-Shu Wang *, Huai-Hui Ren, Xu-Dong Li. An organic junction of vein and membrane of dragonfly wing. Chinese Science Bulletin 2011; 56(16) 1658-1660(SCI, IF11:1.321)

21. Jian-Ping Zuo, Xi-Shu Wang, Ming Zuo. Micro deformation testing of cast AM60B Mg alloy based on scanning electron microscope and digital image correlation method. Materials Evaluation. 2010; 68(9): 1030-1036(SCI, IF11:0.275)

22. N. Kawagoishi, M. Goto, X.S. Wang and Q.Y. Wang. Initiation and Propagation Behavior of a Fatigue Crack of Alloy 718. International Journal of Modern Physics B 2010; 24(15-16): 2857-2862 (SCI, IF11:0.324)

23. Xi-Shu Wang Hua-Ping Tang, Xu-Dong Li, Xin Hua. Investigations on the Mechanical Properties of Conducting Polymer Coating-Substrate Structures and Their Influencing Factors. A review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2009;10: 5257-5284 (SCI,IF11:2.598)

24. Xi-Shu Wang, Ying Li, Xiang-Kang Meng. An estimation method on failure stress of micro thickness Cu film-substrate structure. Science inChinaSeries E: Technological Sciences 2009; 52(8): 2210-2215. (SCI,IF11:1.109)

25. Rui-qi Zhao, Xi-Shu Wang*, Xiao-jing Yang, Han Jing-sa, Ma Hui and Xinhua Zhao*. Effects of Yb substitution on microstructure, physical and mechanical properties of negative thermal expansion Zr1-xYbxWMoO8-x2(x=0-0.05) ceramic. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009; 470:379-382(SCI,IF11:2.289)

26. Ying Li, Xi-Shu Wang *, Xiang-Kang Meng. Buckling behavior of metal film/substrate structure under pure bending. Applied Physics Letters 2008; 92(13), 131902 (SCI, IF11: 3.844)

27. Xi-Shu Wang, Ying Li, Yun-Fei Shi. Effects of sandwich microstructures on mechanical behaviors of dragonfly wing vein. Composites Science and Technology 2008; 68(1): 186-192. (SCI, IF11:3.144)

28. Xi-Shu Wang, Li Jin, Ying Li, Xing-Wu Guo. Effect of equal channel angular extrusion process on deformation behaviors of Mg-3Al-Zn alloy. Materials Letters 2008; 62:1856-1858 (SCI, IF11:2.307)

29. Ying Li, Xi-Shu Wang*, Qin-Shan Fan. Effects of elastic anisotropic on the surface stability of the film/substrate system. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2008; 46: 1325-1333(SCI,IF11:1.210)

30. Xi-Shu Wang, Cheng-Kun Yan, Ying Li, Yi-bin Xue, Xiang-Kang Meng, Bi-Sheng Wu. SEM in-situ study on failure of nanocrystal metallic thin films and substrate structure under three point bending. International Journal of Fracture 2008; 151:269-279. (SCI,IF11:1.485)

31. Hua-Ping Tang, Xi-Shu Wang*, Rui-Qi Zhao, Ying Li. Investigation on thermo-mechanical behaviors of artificial muscles films. Journal of Materials Science 2008; 43(10):3733-3737. (SCI, IF11:2.015)

(2002-2007年度论文清单详见web sci相关网页)。